Geopolitischer Paradigmenwechsel – Es geht Schritt für Schritt in Richtung multi-polare Welt voran – SCO, BRICS

Why the SCO Summit in Kazakhstan Was a Game-Changer

By Pepe Escobar July 8, 2024

It’s impossible to overstate the importance of the 2024 summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) this week in Astana, Kazakhstan. It can certainly be interpreted as the antechamber to the crucial BRICS annual summit, under the Russian presidency, next October in Kazan.

Let’s start with the final declaration. As much as SCO members state “tectonic shifts are underway” in geopolitics and geoeconomics, as “the use of power methods is increasing, with norms of international law being systematically violated”, they are fully engaged to “increase the SCO’s role in the creation of a new democratic, fair, political and economic international order.”

Well, there could not be a sharper contrast with the unilaterally-imposed “rules-based international order”.
